
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Selena Gomez & The Scene - Who Says

Song Title: Who Says
Artist: Selena Gomez

I wouldn’t want to be anybody else (Eh!)

You made me insecure
Told me I wasn’t good enough
But who are you to judge
When you’re a diamond in the rough

I’m sure you got some things
You’d like to change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn’t want to be anybody else

Na na na Na na na Na na na Na na na Na na na
Na na na Na na na Na na na Na na na

I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me

Na na na Na na na Na na na Na na na Na na na
Na na na Na na na Na na na Na na na

You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life (come on!)

Who says,
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting

Trust me,
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful, who says?

It’s such a funny thing
How nothing’s funny when it’s you
You tell ‘em what you mean
But they keep whiting out the truth

It’s like a work of art
That never gets to see the light
Keep you beneath the stars
Won’t let you touch the sky

Na na na Na na na Na na na Na na na Na na na
Na na na Na na na Na na na Na na na

I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me

Na na na Na na na Na na na Na na na Na na na
Na na na Na na na Na na na Na na na

You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life (come on!)

Who says,
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting

Trust me,
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful, who says?

Who says you’re not start potential
Who says you’re not presidential
Who says you can’t be in movies
Listen to me, listen to me

Who says you don’t pass the test
Who says you can’t be the best
Who said, who said
Won’t you tell me who said that (Yeah, Who said?)

Who says,
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting

Trust me,
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful, who says?

Who says,
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting

Trust me,
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful, who says?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tips For Healthy Life

The following tips for healthy living and have a good quality of life, live a healthy life from now on. Health is a valuable investment. with health, we can do daily activity. Therefore, make optimal healthy life as your daily habits.
Here are tips for healthy living:
1. Fulfill Your Nutritional Needs
2. Avoid Harmful Fats
3. Never Forget Breakfast
4. Eating enough vegetables and fruit
5. Drinking Water Minimum 8 glasses / day
6. Maintain Ideal Body Weight
7. diligent exercise regularly
8. Enough Rest
9. Avoid Cigarettes and Alcoholic Beverages
10. Always Thinking Positive
11. Take Time For Yourself
12. Consider Cleanliness
13. Check with your health regularly
14. For Food, Beverages and Supplements Natural choose
15. Condition Based Supplements Eating and Body Supplies.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kepadatan Penduduk

1. Peran Masyarakat dalam Mengatasi Kepadatan Penduduk

Berbagai permasalahan akibat kepadatan penduduk merebak, sehingga diperlukannya langkah tepat untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Dalam hal ini pemerintah mempunyai peranan utama, namun dalam mengatasi hal tersebut pemerintah tidak dapat berperan tanpa adanya partisipasi dari masyarakatnya. Peranan masyarakat dalam mengatasi kepadatan penduduk juga sangat besar. Karena masyarakatlah yang menjadi peran utama dalam masalah kepadatan penduduk ini.
Peran masyarakat yang sangat dibutuhkan adalah peran internal, yaitu dari berasal dari masyarakat itu sendiri. Seperti program KB (Keluarga Berencana) yang sudah dicanangkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia dengan membatasi jumlah anak dalam satu keluarga. Di Indonesia, program KB bertujuan untuk meningkatkan taraf masyarakat itu sendiri. Dengan dilaksanakannya program KB, masyarakat berarti sudah ikut berpartisipasi dalam mengurangi jumlah penduduk yang akan mengakibatkan kepadatan penduduk.
Kemudian, pola pikir dan pengetahuan masyarakat perlu ditingkatkan. Dengan meningkatnya pola pikir dan pengetahuan, masyarakat lebih dapat mengontrol dan berpikir luas mengenai permasalahan kepadatan penduduk. Pengetahuan yang luas menjadikan masyarakat menjadi lebih kreatif dalam mengembangkan serta sumber daya hayati. Kemudian dengan kecerdasan dalam penggunaan teknologi yang canggih menjadikan suatu daerah menjadi lebih maju dalam mengembangkan potensinya. Sehingga, jika suatu daerah maju dalam mengolah sumber daya dan mengembangkan teknologinya, kepadatan penduduk bukanlah menjadi suatu masalah bagi daerah yang maju. Untuk itu pengembangan pola pikir dan pengetahuan masyarakat perlu ditingkatkan.

Manusia sebagai mahkluk hidup  membutuhan makanan. Dengan bertambahnya jumlah  populasi manusia atau penduduk, maka  jumlah kebutuhan makanan yang diperlukan juga semakin banyak. Bila hal ini tidak diimbangi dengan peningkatan  produksi  pangan, maka dapat terjadi kekurangan makanan. Akan tetapi, biasanya laju pertambahan penduduk lebih cepat daripada kenaikan produksi pangan  makanan. Ketidakseimbangan  antara bertambahnya  penduduk   dengan bertambahnya   produksi pangan sangat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup manusia. Peranan masyarakat yang dibutuhkan dalam masalah keterbatasan pangan ini adalah masyarakat harus meningkatkan produktivitas pangan, dengan mengembangkan sumber daya alam.

Peran yang dapat dilakukan masyarakat yaitu mengikuti program transmigrasi yang juga dicanangan pemerintah untuk mengurangi kepadatan penduduk dari suatu daerah yang padat penduduknya ke daerah yang masih jarang penduduknya. Program transmigrasi ini merupakan salah satu cara yang cukup ampuh dalam mengatasi permasalahan kepadatan penduduk. Transmigrasi ini juga ada yang dilengkapi dengan pembiaayan pemerintah, jika transmmigrasi dilakukan atas usulan pemerintah. Transmigrasi atas pembiayaan sendiri juga dapat dilakukan apabila melakukan perpindahan atas kemauan sendiri.

Selanjutnya, peran mudah yang dilakukan masyarakat adalah menunda perkawinan di usia muda, meningkatkan gizi bayi dan balita, meningkatkan pencegahan dan pengobatan serta penanggulangan penyakit pada ibu dan anak-anak, dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup keluarga.

Karena peran masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengatasi kepadatan penduduk ini, diharapkan masyarakat dapat turut serta dalam menanggulangi permasalahan bersama. Dengan peran dari masyarakat, pemerintah dapat mudah mengontrol laju pertumbuhan penduduk.

2. Cara Menanggulangi Kepadatan Penduduk

Pemerintah beserta masyarakat dapat menaggulangi kepadatan penduduk dengan berbagai cara. Diantaranya, cara-cara yang dilakukan untuk mengimbangi pertambahan jumlah penduduk di setiap daerah. Antara lain sebagai berikut. Pertama, penambahan dan penciptaan lapangan kerja. Dengan meningkatnya taraf hidup masyarakat maka diharapkan hilangnya kepercayaan banyak anak banyak rejeki. Di samping itu pula diharapkan akan meningkatkan tingkat pendidikan yang akan merubah pola pikir dalam bidang kependudukan.
Kedua, meningkatkan kesadaran dan pendidikan kependudukan
Dengan semakin sadar akan dampak dan efek dari laju pertumbuhan yang tidak terkontrol, maka diharapkan masyarakat umum secara sukarela turut mensukseskan gerakan keluarga berencana.
Ketiga, mengurangi kepadatan penduduk dengan program transmigrasi
Dengan menyebar penduduk pada daerah-daerah yang memiliki kepadatan penduduk rendah diharapkan mampu menekan laju pengangguran akibat tidak sepadan antara jumlah penduduk dengan jumlah lapangan pekerjaan yang tersedia.
Keempat, meningkatkan produksi dan pencarian sumber makanan
Hal ini untuk mengimbangi jangan sampai persediaan bahan pangan tidak diikuti dengan laju pertumbuhan. Setiap daerah diharapkan mengusahakan swasembada pangan agar tidak ketergantungan dengan daerah lainnya

Monday, February 21, 2011

❤ Rabbit ❤

Rabbits . .
Rabbits are herbivores
Rabbits are mammals
In general, the rabbits were divided into two types :
-First, the rabbit-free
-Second, the pet rabbit.
rabbit moves by jumping and can jump with a nimble and fast
rabbit has four legs and fur to protect its body temperature
and is unique from rabbit long ears
good food is served to the rabbit carrots
rabbit's lifetime of about 5 to 10 years
rabbit is also my favorite animal, by keeping the rabbit is very simple and does not need expensive to treat.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How to make Fried Bread !

  • 100 grams caster sugar
  • 100 grams margarine
  • 2 eggs
  • 30 grams of milk powder
  • 5 grams of baking powder
  • 5 grams salt
  • 5 grams fermipan
  • 500 grams flour
  • Water

Ingredients Content:
  •  Cooking oil
  • 50 grams onion
  • 150 grams carrots
  • 300 grams of minced chicken meat
  • Salt and pepper

  • Knife
  • Spoon
  • Big plastic container
  • Shaker / mixer
Steps to make ingredient content :
  • Prepare all tools and ingredients
  • Firstly, Saute the onion
  • Secondly, Insert meat
  • Then, enter a carrot. Season with salt and pepper. And then stir
  • Cook until cooked

Steps to make bread and settlement :
  • First, stir in sugar, milk, salt, and water until dissolved
  • Second, mix the flour, fermipan and bawking powder
  • Add margarine and beaten eggs. Pour liquid milk
  • Cover dough and store in damp areas during the 1/2 hour
  • After that cut the dough and weigh 25 grams. Then fill with batter contents sufficiently
  • Later, round like a ball
  • Then roll into panir flour. And Fry until yellowish
  • Finally, fried bread is ready to serve

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Practice exam for ICT lesson

besok di kelas ku akan diadakan ujian  praktek untuk pelajaran ICT (information and communication technology)
dengan materi "mengenal browser"
berikut adalah langkah-langkahnya :
Praktik 1
1. mulailah pada halaman utama dan mulai pencarian (yang berhubungan dengan ICT)

2. Temukan hasil penelusuran

3. Klik salah satu website hasil penelusuran tersebut

4. Klik Berkas/ File kemudian klik Simpan halaman dengan nama/ Save Page as (CTRL + S)

 Praktik 2 .
1. Carilah gambar yang berhubungan dengan ICT
seperti contoh dibawah ini :

2. Kemudian simpan gambar yang diinginkan. Dengan klik kanan dan klik -> simpan gambar dengan nama/ save image as. .

Ini hanya lah contoh kecil dari serangkaian praktik ujian ICT besok.
semoga teman-teman dapat dimudahkan dengan artikel ini.
dan sukses untuk kelas, semoga hasil ujian praktiknya kelas A bagus :)
Amiin. . .
~Good Luck~

Folder 1 [Death Note]

 some of my favorite character in death note :

Misa Amane
Misa Amane is an actress who was popular. He is KIRA SECOND and assist in combating crime Light.
He was a supporter of Kira. He supports KIRA because once the criminals who killed his parents killed by Kira.
In addition, he also falls in love with the light when you first saw it and eventually became boyfriend light.
This girl is a little spoiled and childish - infantile.

Full name is L Lawliet
L is a detective who could move the entire police force because of the very great power of analysis.
No one knows who L really is. He speaks through a computer. He has an assistant, named Watari.

Light Yagami, a bright youngster is the person who picked up the death note shinigami Ryuk dropped into the human world.
With that book he created the world he dreams - seek, namely a world without evil, which only lists people - good people.
He is the son of Japan's police chief, Soichiro Yagami.
When he began to suspect L as Kira, Light can mengelabuinya.
Light was dead at the end of the story because his name is written in death note by shinigami Ryuk.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How to make Fruit Pudding

Fruit Pudding Recipe

Ingredients :
1 packet green jelly
100 grams of diced melon
200 ml water
150 grams granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla powder
2 packets of jelly white
600 ml of liquid milk
150 grams granulated sugar
100 grams of strawberries cut into two parts
100 grams of apple Poor
100 grams peeled papaya
1 tablespoon lemon juice

1. Prepare pudding pan circles, wet with water.
2. mixed with green gelatin, water, sugar and vanilla powder, mix well and cook until boiling, remove from heat.
3. Arrange melon on a baking sheet and pour the mixture slowly to the green and let stand until hardened.
4. fruit puree apple juice, and papaya, add lemon juice and stir well. Mix gelatin with milk-white liquid, stir, cook until boiling, add fruit juice, stir, lift and pour into the pan, remove the steam heat and store in refrigerator.
5. Serve cold. add pieces of strawberries over pudding

Demi Lovato - Don't Forget

"Don't Forget Lyrics"

Did you forget That I was even alive?
Did you forget Everything we ever had?
Did you forget?
Did you forget About me?

Did you regret Ever standing by my side?
Did you forget What we were feeling inside?
Now I'm left to forget About us

But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it

So now I guess This is where we have to stand
Did you regret Ever holding my hand?
Never again .. Please don't forget Don't forget !

We had it all, We were just about to fall
Even more in love Than we were before
I won't forget I won't forget About us...

But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it!

Somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it

At all...

And at last..
All the pictures have been burned
And all the past Is just a lesson that we've learned
I won't forget I won't forget us

But somewhere we went wrong
Our love is like a song
But you won't sing along

You've forgotten

About us. . .

I will sing this song in singing practice exam in this semester.
I hope, to sing this song well.

#detikdetikmenujuexam :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cinderella story . . .

Once upon a time there lived an unhappy young girl. Her mother was dead and her father had married a widow with two daughters. Her stepmother didn't like her one little bit. All her kind thoughts and loving touches were for her own daughters. Nothing was too good for them - dresses, shoes, delicious food, soft beds, and every home comfort.
But, for the poor unhappy girl, there was nothing at all. No dresses, only her stepsisters’ hand-me-downs. No lovely dishes, nothing but scraps. No rest and no comfort. She had to work hard all day. Only when evening came was she allowed to sit for a while by the fire, near the cinders. That’s why everybody called her Cinderella.

Cinderella used to spend long hours all alone talking to the cat. The cat said, . Miaow. , which really meant, . Cheer up! You have something neither of your stepsisters has and that is beauty.. It was quite true. Cinderella, even dressed in old rags, was a lovely girl. While her stepsisters, no matter how splendid and elegant their clothes, were still clumsy, lumpy and ugly and always would be.

One day, beautiful new dresses arrived at the house. A ball was to be held at the palace and the stepsisters were getting ready to go. Cinderella didn't even dare ask if she could go too. She knew very well what the answer would be: . You? You're staying at home to wash the dishes, scrub the floors and turn down the beds for your stepsisters. They will come home tired and very sleepy.. Cinderella sighed, . Oh dear, I'm so unhappy!. and the cat murmured . Miaow..

Suddenly something amazing happened. As Cinderella was sitting all alone, there was a burst of light and a fairy appeared. . Don't be alarmed, Cinderella,. said the fairy. . I know you would love to go to the ball. And so you shall!. . How can I, dressed in rags?. Cinderella replied. . The servants will turn me away!.

The fairy smiled. With a flick of her magic wand Cinderella found herself wearing the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. . Now for your coach,. said the fairy; "A real lady would never go to a ball on foot! Quick! Get me a pumpkin!. . Oh of course,. said Cinderella, rushing away. Then the fairy turned to the cat. . You, bring me seven mice, and, remember they must be alive!.

Cinderella soon returned with the pumpkin and the cat with seven mice he had caught in the cellar. With a flick of the magic wand the pumpkin turned into a sparkling coach and the mice became six white horses, while the seventh mouse turned into a coachman in a smart uniform and carrying a whip. Cinderella could hardly believe her eyes.

Cinderella had a wonderful time at the ball until she heard the first stroke of midnight! She remembered what the fairy had said, and without a word of goodbye she slipped from the Prince. s arms and ran down the steps. As she ran she lost one of her slippers, but not for a moment did she dream of stopping to pick it up! If the last stroke of midnight were to sound... oh... what a disaster that would be! Out she fled and vanished into the night.
The Prince, who was now madly in love with her, picked up the slipper and said to his ministers, “Go and search everywhere for the girl whose foot this slipper fits. I will never be content until I find her!”

So the ministers tried the slipper on the foot of every girl in the land until only Cinderella was left.
That awful untidy girl simply cannot have been at the ball,. snapped the stepmother. . Tell the Prince he ought to marry one of my two daughters! Can't you see how ugly Cinderella is?. But, to everyone. s amazement, the shoe fitted perfectly.

Suddenly the fairy appeared and waved her magic wand. In a flash, Cinderella appeared in a splendid dress, shining with youth and beauty. Her stepmother and stepsisters gaped at her in amazement, and the ministers said, "Come with us Cinderella! The Prince is waiting for you." So Cinderella married the Prince and lived happily ever. As for the cat, he just said "Miaow!"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

From My heart

If Heart Talk
Why I begin to miss you ?
Maybe, I was love u!
Why it has happen ?
Damn ! I hate it ! I hate everythings happen that my mind
Coz always you,you and you comes in my mind.

One word happens in my heart
It can be make me loose this love
But, that is one of more my experience
I search first love, But I can’t find it
I crying in the nite. Coz, I’m only hope and dream
Actually, I hate it ! >.<

Why it can’t be a real? Or all it’s only in my dreams?
REAL! I wait it !
I need you to accompany me in real world. Just not in my dream
Because, I tired wait you to come in real world

I want tell you !
I Believe a miracle, what about you? [ I hope u feel same with me]
In my dream always comes miracle, and I think miracle will be come to real world.
Ooouh . . . that is exciting ^.^ Hahahaha

So, I tired to wait you !

Plz, give me an answer, can u tell me plz?
I need your answer! To help me believe u here in real world
Coz, I need that

P.S I Love you :)

[I hope you can read this article, coz it is from my heart]
Hohoho. . Forget it ! :P

-__- dhadhinda article 1.11.2010